In HTML, It provides a wide range of text formatting elements that allow web developers to create visually appealing and easy-to-read web pages.

It formats text as bold, italicizes, underlined, strike-through, smaller, larger, subscription, and superscription.

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Here are some commonly used text formatting elements:

Bold text (strong/bold tag)

Strong tag <strong> tag is used to make text bold. It is typically used to emphasize important words or phrases.

Bold Text (strong tag)

Example: This is bold text

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>Bold Text (strong tag)</title>
		<strong>This is bold text</strong>

Bold tag <b> tag is a formatting element used to make text bold. It does not provide any additional information about the text it applies to.

Bold Text (bold tag)

Example: This is bold text

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>Bold Text (bold tag)</title>
		<p>This is <b>bold</b> text</p>

Italicize Text

Emphasized <em> tag is used to make the text italic. It is typically used to indicate emphasis or to highlight a specific word or phrase.

Italicize Text (emphasis tag)

Example: This is Italicize Text using emphasis tag

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>Italicize Text (emphasis tag)</title>
		<em>This is Italicize Text using emphasis tag</em>

Italic <i> tag is a formatting element used to make the text italic. it does not provide any additional information about the text it applies to.

Italicize Text (italic tag)

Example: This is Italicize Text using italic tag

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>Italicize Text (italic tag)</title>
		<i>This is Italicize Text using italic tag</i>

Underline Text

Underline <u> tag is used to underline text. It is typically used to indicate a hyperlink or to draw attention to specific text.

Underline Text

Example: This is underline text

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>Underline Text</title>
		<p>This is <u>underline</u> text</p>

You can use Insert <ins> tag to make underlined text.

Example: This is inserted text

<p>This is <ins>underline</ins> text</p>

Strike-Through Text

Strike <s> or <strike> are used to strike through text. They are typically used to indicate deleted or outdated information, it was used in HTML 4.

(Not Supported in HTML5)

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>Strike through text</title>
		<p>This is <s>strike through</s> text</p>

In HTML5, you can use the delete tag <del> to strike through text. <del> is a formatting element used to mark text as deleted or removed.

Example: This is deleted text

<p>This is <del>deleted</del> text</p>

The delete <del> tag is commonly used in combination with the insert <ins> tag, which is used to mark text as inserted or added. Together, they can be used to show changes made to a document.

Example: This is deleted inserted text

<p>This is <del>deleted</del><ins>inserted</ins> text</p>

Superscript/Subscript Text

Superscript <sup> tag is used to create superscript text. It is typically used to indicate footnotes, exponents, or other special characters.

Example: This is 200m2

<p>This is 200m<sup>2</sup></p>

Subscript <> tag is used to create subscript text. It is typically used to indicate chemical formulas, mathematical equations, or other technical information.

Example: This is H2O

<p>This is H<sup>2</sup>O</p>

Larger/Smaller Text

Larger <big> tag is used to create larger text. It is typically used for headlines or section titles.

Example: This is larger text.

<p><big>This is larger text.</big></p>

Smaller <small> tag is used to create smaller text. It is typically used for disclaimers or fine print.

Example: This is some smaller text.

<p><small>This is some smaller text.</small></p>

Highlight Text

Highlight <mark> tag is used to highlight text. It is typically used to draw attention to important information.

Example: This is some highlight text.

<p>This is some <mark>highlight</mark> text.</p>

Abbreviation Text

Abbreviation <abbr> tag is used to indicate an abbreviation or acronym. It is typically used to clarify technical terms or shorten lengthy phrases.

Example: This is my website

<p>This is my <abbr title="ifixproblem">website</abbr></p>

More HTML Formatting Tag

<header> - define the header section of a web page.
<footer> - define the footer section of a web page.
<nav> - define a navigation menu.
<section> - define a section of a web page.
<article> - define a self-contained piece of content.
<aside> - define content that is related to the main content of a web page but is not essential to understanding it.
<div> - group together elements and apply styling to them as a unit. It is often used as a container for other elements.
<span> - apply styling to a specific section of text or content
<blockquote> - indicate a longer quotation or citation.
<code> - indicate computer code

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