With Windows 10, you can protect your documents, photo, videos, or a lot of files with a Windows password. Windows 10 allow the user to create a password in two ways, protect by Microsoft Account and a local account.

The password is very important for don’t allow someone to steal your important documents from your PC. But If you don’t want to protect your PC by signing in with a password, you can remove or put the blank password.

In this article, I show you how to remove a password for a Windows 10 local account. I have three ways for updating a password in your Windows 10 local account.

Windows Contents:

So you can follow with me step by step :

First ways

1- Go to Start, and click on Settings

2- On the Find a setting search box, type “password” and select “Change your password” on the dropdown list.

Settings screen

3- On the Sign-in options, click on Password Sign in with your account’s password, and then hit on Change

Option screen

4- On the Change your password, first confirm your current password. Type your current password in the box and click Next

5- Next screen, on the New password, Confirm password, and Password hint keep blank and click Next

Change your password screen

6- hit “Finish

Second ways

1 – Go to Start, on the Type here to search box type “Control Panel” and click on Control Panel app

2- On the Control Panel, click on User Accounts and then click on Change account type

User Accounts screen

3- On the Manage Accounts screen, choose on your account profile that you want to change a password and click on it.

4- On the Change an Account screen, click on Change the password

5- On the Change password screen, in the Current password box type your current Windows password, and New password box, Confirm new password box, and Type a new password box keep blank. And then click on Change password button.

Change Password screen

Third ways

1- Go to This PC, click on it and choose Manage

File Explorer screen

2- On the Computer Management screen, extract Local Users and Groups, select on Users, and then right-click on your account profile that you want to change and choose Set password

Computer Management screen

3- On the Set password screen, click on Proceed button, and then on the New password box and Confirm password box keep blank all and click on OK

Set Password screen

For these 3 methods, you can also do it on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 11

To recommend, If your PC has important documents, you should not keep your PC blank password or remove your password.

For more understanding watch the video: